
Can You Work In Multiple Cities With Uber

The Toughest Questions Uber Asks Its Job Candidates

To find employees who will help the ride-sharing company dominate markets all over the world, interviewers asks applicants to work through all manner of queries.

By Maya Kosoff , Business Insider @ mekosoff

The Toughest Questions Uber Asks Its Job Candidates

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If you want to work at one of the hottest tech companies in the world, you will have to answer a few questions first.

We've shown you how long Uber's application process can be: To become a general manager--someone who launches and leads a team in a new city for Uber--you'll be taking a timed, two-hour analytics test.

For more creative positions at Uber, such as marketing manager, you may be asked to create a new marketing campaign for Uber.

Unlike companies like Google, which are infamous for giving their candidates impossible brainteaser interview questions, Uber's questions to potential hires are more straightforward--and they say a lot about Uber's company culture.

Using Glassdoor, we've compiled questions from Uber's interview candidates:

"Are you prepared to sacrifice your personal life and relationships to work here 80-90 hours a week?" - Community Operations Manager candidate

"If the Uber app was down, how would you placate the drivers?" - Operations Coordinator candidate

"Enjoyed your creative/résumé, but it looks like you've never used Uber before. What's the deal?" - Community Manager candidate

"How would you make drivers work during holidays?" - Operations and Logistics Manager candidate

"In four sentences or less, how would you sell Uber to a driver you are trying to sign up?" - Operations and Logistics Manager candidate

"You didn't agree with product management on [a minor feature]. Do you think that's because they're stupid or not technical enough?" - Software Engineer candidate

"Will Uber cause city congestion?" - Data Scientist candidate

"If there are three regular chairs and one broken chair and five people are entering a room, two of whom enter the room together, what is the probability that person X gets a regular chair?" - Director, Driver Operations candidate

"How do you feel about not having a social life anymore?" - Marketing Manager candidate

"I am an Uber driver who claims that I did not receive my payment from Uber and thinks that Uber is cheating me. What would you say to me?" - Operations and Logistics Manager candidate

"Uber drops you in a new market (i.e. Oklahoma City) and says you have two weeks until we open here - go! What do you do?" - Operations and Logistics Manager candidate

"What was your favorite Uber marketing stunt?" - Marketing Manager interview candidate

"How would you manage a crisis situation with the press and government?" - General Manager candidate

"What would you say to a driver that wanted to quit?" - Operations and Logistics Manager candidate

"How would you find the words that became obsolete in English language between 16th and 17th century? You may use a search engine." - Software Developer candidate

"An Uber competitor opens in your city with unlimited cash capital. If you were them, how would you steal Uber's customers? If you were Uber, how would you convince drivers not to leave?" - Operations and Logistics Manager candidate

"What do you think Uber's strengths are over Lyft?" - Customer Service Representative candidate

"Estimate the size of taxi market in the city you're interviewing for." - Operations and Logistics Manager candidate

"How would you measure demand for Uber ice cream?" - Operations and Logistics Manager candidate

"If we ask you to find us 100 new drivers this month, describe what steps you would take?" - Operations and Logistics Manager candidate

"With no budget, how would you spread the UberLove?" - Community Manager candidate

"Uber is opening up a city remotely (i.e. Milwaukee will be operated out of Chicago). How would you make the drivers in Milwaukee feel equal to the drivers in Chicago?" - Operations and Logistics Manager candidate

"Say an Uber black car driver makes $30/ride with a 20% commission. How do you convince him to upgrade to a new made-up service UberSuper with a 25% commission? What costs will the driver incur in upgrading? How much more will he have to make each week, etc.?" - Uber Operations and Logistics Manager interview candidate

"How do you handle working with people who are extremely upset or not happy with you/your company?" - Community Marketing Manager candidate

"What metrics would you use to track whether Uber's strategy of using paid advertising to acquire customers works? How would you then figure out an acceptable cost of customer acquisition?" - Data Scientist candidate

"What would you do if a competitor came into play that undercuts Uber's pay split with the drivers? Uber's is hypothetically 80/20, theirs is 90/10." - Operations and Logistics Manager candidate

"Write a letter to drivers." - Operations and Logistics Manager candidate

"Assume you are employed with Uber. (Congratulations!) While taking an Uber to work, you notice your driver is also accepting trips via a competitor's app. What would you do?" - Community Operations Manager candidate

"How will you prevent drivers from committing fraud for incentives?" - Operations Coordinator candidate

"What's to stop you from just packing up and leaving in four years' time?" - Software Engineer candidate

"One of the car dealer partners want to leave, what should you do?" - General Manager candidate

"How would you assemble a piece of Ikea furniture without instructions?" - Remote Community Support Representative candidate

"Can you handle the pace of work at Uber?" - Director candidate

This story first appeared on Business Insider.

Sep 29, 2015

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Can You Work In Multiple Cities With Uber


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