
How To Make An Instagram Food Blog

Many foods businesses take to social media such as Instagram or Facebook to promote or grow their food businesses and for many, it's a success. But how do we promote businesses on Instagram?

How to build a food business with Instagram?

Having a business account is an excellent way to productively market your brand. You will also get real-time insights to your account's data. This way you can track your account's performance to learn what content performs well, and what content may need adjusting to ensure you are reaching a wider audience.

Firstly, you must identify who your customers are and what and how you will be delivering to them. Build your followers up by posting stunning photos and keep up the consistency with the posts.

  • Create a restaurant hashtag –Hashtags are what customers can use when they post a picture of their visit. Then when people search that hashtag, all posts in relation to your business will come up.
  • Partner with influencers and food bloggers –Invite influencers over to your venue for a meal. From here they will post about their experience to their wider audience and hopefully bring new customers to you.
  • Run competitions and giveaways –This is very common on Instagram. You may do ones that allow people to win a free meal or some merchandise. If you decide to do this you need to have:
  • A prize
  • The method of entry
  • How you select your winner
  • How the winner redeems the prize
  • Terms and conditions

How will Instagram benefit my food business?

There are 800 million users currently signed up on Instagram. This is an audience too large to miss out on.

Research shows that 75% of users take action after seeing and Instagram ad, such as visiting the website.

Drive traffic to your website and showcase your brand in exactly the right light.


Here Are 7 Restaurant Instagram Marketing Tips:

  • Stay on brand

This goes for both your voice and aesthetics. Adhere to a certain tone in all of your posts and create a page that encompasses your brand's look. The most essential recommendation to ensure that your Instagram stays on brand is to put together an Instagram style for your company and your marketing teams.You can lay out your colour schemes, font pairs and guidelines, brand voice, graphic suggestions and so much more.

  • Be searchable

Select an easily recognizable Instagram username, and use relevant business keywords in your profile to help boost your search results. You should tag posts with hashtags and be sure to make them relevant to your brand, image, and location so other users can find you.

  • Integrate Instagram with other advertising

Overlap your Instagram with all of your social media accounts. This way even if a user doesn't follow you on Instagram, they might still follow you on Facebook or Twitter. Share photos on all of your networks to increase views and gain followers.

  • Interact with followers and reward them

You can interact with followers by asking for their opinions. You can offer them a new ice cream flavour, beverage, or dish? Ask the customers to help you name it! By involving customers in the process, they'll feel compelled to continue following you to learn the end result of the contest.

Hold photo challenges:

Encourage your customers to share photos and add your restaurant tag. Ask followers to post an iconic image of the city your venue is located in or an image of their meal at your restaurant, with your business name tagged in the photo. Offer the winners gift cards, a free meal, or a similar reward.

  • Make your space and dishes insta-worthy

Not only will you have more quality shots to take, but your guests will be more likely to take photos and share them, if your food business has attractive dishes and interesting décor. Consider leveling up your plate presentation, or installing some new décor, like plant walls, flowers on the tables, or twinkle lights.

Having creative décor is a good way to bring customers in as they will be bringing other customers in by posting about your venue. Charming décor will create an intriguing backdrop and vibe that guests will want to capture. They will likely tag your business in the photo, especially if they can easily find your Instagram handle. This way you are getting free advertising and exposure to your guest's followers, who will become aware of your business and may follow you or visit in the future.

  • Share videos and stories

Videos and stories allow you to take customer interaction one step further. This will give you the chance to share behind-the-scenes action. They will add a personal touch and make your followers feel included.

  • Food photography tips

It is essential to understand some basic food photography tipsif you're taking your own photos. This way you can take high-quality images and share polished content without hiring a professional photographer.


When showing off your appetizers, avoid using flash and harsh overhead lights. Instead, snap photos near a window or softer light source for a natural-looking appearance.

Create action with simple kitchen props:

For example place chopsticks by sushi, or a spoon resting in a bowl of soup. Add a piece of silverware to a plated dish. You can enhance the drama of a wine glass by showing the wine cork and bottle or add flair to a mixed drink by placing ice cubes and splashes of water around the serving glass.

Add texture:

When photographing food with a mushy texture (such as soup or stew), add a garnish that contrasts in colour and texture from the dish to add more defined dimension to the photo. Adding bright berries are a great accent for ice cream and sorbet, while rich green garnishes like parsley add dimension to soup.

Filter images with easy-to-use apps:

A little filtering goes a long way to enhance the quality of your images. Apps like VSCO, Snapseed, Afterlight 2, and A Colour Story are all popular for a range of adjustments, like colour correction and exposure. They have to variety of filters to choose from that are not available on Instagram.

How To Make An Instagram Food Blog


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