
‘Massive Security Vulnerability’ in HTC Android Phones Claimed

Security researchers say they've uncovered a flaw in various smartphone models produced by HTC that gives any application that has Internet access the keys to a treasure trove of entropy happening the phone, including e-mail addresses, GPS locations, phone numbers, and text message information.

Phone models claimed to be stirred by the vulnerability are the EVO 3D, EVO 4G, Bombshell, and possibly HTC's Sensation line.

The researchers, Trevor Eckhart, Artem Russakouskii, and Justin Case, say they privy HTC of the vulnerability on September 24, but after HTC failed to respond to their warning for five days, they went public with their knowledge on Friday.

The security gap in the HTC phones stems from modifications the troupe made in versions of the Mechanical man operating system in EVO and Thunderbolt models. Those changes add a suite of logging tools to the system. "If you, as a fellowship, plant these information collectors on a device, you better be DAMN sure the information they collect is secured and only available to privileged services or the substance abuser, after opting in," Russakouskii wrote yesterday at the Android Constabulary website.

That's not the case here, he notes. The modifications made to Android by HTC allow any application that you have permission to access the Internet from the phone access to a plethora of sensitive selective information on the device. What's more, it also has permission to send the data that information technology finds wherever it wants on the Net without your knowledge.

"Normally, applications get access to only what is allowed by the permissions they request, so when you install a simple, innocent-looking at new game from the [Humanoid] Market that but asks for the Net permission (to put forward scores online, for example), you don't expect it to read your phone log or list of e-mails," Russakouskii explains.

He compares the exposure to going the keys to your sign under the welcome mat and not expecting anyone to find them.

Information that can be peeked at by some app with Internet access include:

  • E-mail addresses
  • Last known net and GPS locations.
  • Phone numbers from phone logs.
  • SMS data, including phone numbers and encoded text.
  • Scheme logs, which track everything your apps do, such as logging into steady locations.
  • Arrangement selective information such A onboard memory, CPU data, running processes and tilt of installed apps, including permissions they use and your exploiter IDs for them.

In gain to the logger suite, Russakouskii notes, HTC has further modified Android with the addition of something titled androidvncserver.apk. While the addition of that app, which is designed to give thirdly parties remote access code to a phone, might land up being insignificant, he did find it "fishy." "The app doesn't get started aside default, but who knows what and who backside trigger it and potentially get get at to your ring remotely?" he asks.

According to Eckhart, there's no way at this time to patch the exposure without jailbreaking the phone, which, of row, will void the warranty. If you do hack the phone's OS, you can remove HTC's logger suite, htcloggers.apk, found in /system of rules/app/.

This latest exposure exposes the problems that throne occur in an open root environment like Humanoid. While information technology allows phone makers and practical application developers to make creative changes to the basic system, it can also open the door to abuse of a earpiece possessor's information.

(Project besides "Hold open Malware Off Your Humanoid Call up: 5 Flying Tips.)

Comply freelance technology writer John P. Mello Jr. and Today@PCWorld on Twitter.


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